
Isn't she beautiful? This beautiful gift (GAIA) was created for me by my sister-in-law Ellen Putnam Paquette and was my Christmas gift!! It's just wonderful when someone knows you so well and takes the time to create something so special just for you. I am so honored. Visit her ETSY site to see more of her work.

My astrologer Lyn Dalebout, sent me some delicious information on this upcoming full moon which is timed with New Year's Eve. Are you ready to step boldly into 2010? Stay tuned, I have an exciting announcement! 

           By the
Light of the Super Moon  Dec 31
2009-Jan 1 2010 

epistle arrives in the nick of Full Moon time.  To have a Full Moon eclipse, symbolic of new beginnings, on
a new year’s eve, which holds the hope of all things reborn, is a dream come
true for astrologers and for someone like me, prone to excessive ceremonies at
key junctures of change, like full moons and year end eves. Time  for lit candles and planting paper
white bulbs indoors to mark this momentous shift at the end of 2009.  With this celestial event, I feel a
renewed sense of hope and possibility for our planet. This year, winter
solstice felt like the first day of spring to me…“twelve weeks till bluebirds”
is my mantra.

thought:  it’s as if the whole
world went through some form of rehab this year, facing the shadow, confronting
denial,  no place to hide, forced
learning of new coping skills, and the healthy discipline born from paring
down.  One result of this?  Remembering again the immense joy to be
found in the simple pleasures of life.

I know
now that when a pet dies, it is then you realize the reality of the balance and
joy  that came from just a simple
walk together.  I will never, ever,
take that for granted again, by rushing through the task…I know Cola forgives
me from her doggie bed in the heavens, but I cry when I remember any hint of
hurry on my part…sigh.

Maybe, at the end of this year, you appreciate even more the miracle of
warm food, a safe home, a good bed and 
beloveds by your side. Maybe you now consciously  take a moment each day and pray that
all people are as fortunate as you are. These kinds of prayers on a global
scale have more power than we know. 
I believe our combined intentions have actually softened the effects of some
of the more cataclysmic potential that existed in 2009.

Did you
learn it feels better to deal in the truth of things, and to just be openly
honest with one another?  In our
vulnerability, all can potentially be healed.  What amazing grace and gifts have come with the hardships of

So as we arrive at
New Years Eve, Dec 31 ,  here are
some astrological tidbits about this last Full Moon of 2009 (12:14 pm MST) for
your rumination and reflection:

    ***It is not just a Full
Moon which always brings the possibility 
of illumination and awakening***

     ***It is also a Super
Moon, when the Moon is closest to the Earth (Lunar perigee). This Moon will
loom extra large in the heavens and is sure to amplify emotions to new heights
and depths***

   ***And this is also a Lunar
Eclipse (viewed mainly in the Eastern Hemisphere, the right brain of the
world), which creates an energetic severing from old patterns, creating a
portal of rebirth at the completion of the eclipse***

These astronomical
facts speak for themselves.

It seems so much was ushered out of our world this year.  As you sit bundle by the bonfire, or
before a simple shining candle, 
may the Light of this Super Full Moon Eclipse, on the last day of this
year of completions, bring some solace, and help you understand more fully why
there was so much mass exodus on so many levels.  And may this radiant 
reflective Light also illuminate the next small step you are ready to
take on your path to renewal and return in the year of new beginnings, 2010.



Lyn Dalebout