It's been challenging logging on while visiting family, so I'm here in Starbucks this morning taking care of business. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.  

It's interesting leaving the Mountains and visiting the tropics this time of year, but look where I ended up during one of my Holiday Bliss walks!


Andy and Blue are home fending for themselves, as it's Andy's hig season teaching on the mountain, so I am in Florida spending time with family. 

Finding bliss-FULL moments in chaotic South Florida is always a little challenging for me, but I have taken better care of myself this trip than I have in the past. Walks on the beach with friends, walks in the neighborhood for much needed breathing, a Reiki treatment at an awesome yoga studio which was gifted by my buddy Sues, and opening up to what is alive here in the same way I do at home-which can be difficult in a city environment. I love my iPhone for that reason, it helps me stay awake, noticing those quiet moments that might otherwise slip by unnoticed. 


I'll be home on Monday, so I'll be checking in again Tuesday in the meantime…lot's of 
